Jumbo’s Clown Room

Going to a strip club with my girlfriend and her girlfriend sounded fun

Hogan Torah
3 min readOct 4, 2020


Jumbo’s Clown Room on Hollywood Blvd. was legendary for it’s terribleness. Around 20 years ago the hipsterization of anywhere cool in Hollywood made it ironically terrible and ruined it.

World famous for all the wrong reasons

Jumbo’s is where old strippers go out to pasture. If you like stretch marks, c-scars, and bullet holes this place used to be the jam. The dancers still had the moves but I tipped them out of pity.

“Here’s a 10. Don’t touch me.”

Classy. Image author.

My hipster girlfriend dragged me there sometime in the early 2000’s before it became ironically bad. I got 50 bucks in ones. I was surprised when her and her friend got a roll of quarters. Maybe they had laundry to do. We sat down at the stage and grabbed some 7 dollar tall cans of Pabst Blue Ribbon served in authentic paper bags. Patty with a skirt.

The the DJ announced the first girl of the night as Consuela. I use the term girl very loosely. This woman didn’t just look like Danny…



Hogan Torah

Lovable af 🥰 Son of a Mouseketeer 🎥 25 years of online publishing 💎 Google me, I autofill